About Me

Dr. Shruti Pradhan, PT, DPT
Hello! I’m so glad you’re here!
Motherhood is rewarding and amazing and life changing. However, it comes with worrying, and a boatload of questions about EVERYTHING and sometimes even #MomGuilt. Let’s start with the fact that YOU are an amazing Mom. That’s why you’re here!
But if you have questions like...
  1. What’s the next milestone?
  2. Is my child behind?
  3. Should they be crawling by now?
  4. What’s a good seat for them?
  5. When can I start tummy time?
  6. How do I play with my child?
You are in the right place!
Hello, I’m Shruti and I’m so excited you’re here!
I’m a pediatric Physical Therapist and certified Assistive Technology Professional (licensed in the US). I specialize in working with the birth-three population, and it has presented me with the unique opportunity of helping new parents (let’s not forget the dads!) and amazing littles reach their potential.
There’s so much information available online, and Dr. Google can be overwhelming. I’m here to help and provide research-based information about your Little One’s development. As a neuroscience and neurodevelopment nerd, I’m always learning so trust me when I say you’ll get accurate information! I get inspired at work every day and hope to share some of that inspiration with you.
Here are a few things you should know:
  • I believe that Moms have the BEST instincts and if you’re ever in doubt about your little’s development, trust your #MomGut.
  • I’m a strong advocate for inclusion, in all walks of life. I love working with families and kiddos with special needs.
  • Knowledge is power and knowing what normal development looks like can help you nurture your little through purposeful play.
My goal is to empower you through information and education. After all, empowered parents empower children!
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
MS in Rehabilitation Sciences
PT in Neuromuscular concentration
University of Pittsburgh
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Northeastern University
RESNA Certified Assistive Technology Professional
TinyTots PT on Instagram!
Moved to Canada